Learn more about the committees specific to the Colorado Elks Association
Leadership, Resources, & Training (LRT)
The purpose of this committee is to create a sustainable learning program for the members of Colorado Elks' Lodges and the communities they serve, and to give our members skills necessary to have a positive impact in their lodges, their homes, & their communities.
Co-Chair: Jeannette Rogers (Golden 2740)
Co-Chair: Shirley Tipton (Aspen 224)
Elk & Officer Training: Steve Rysdam (Littleton 1650)
Emergency Lodge Management: Mark Gorman (Salida 808)
The Leadership Podcast by John Maxwell
How To Be a Bawse by Lilly Singh
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, & Belonging (DEIB)
The purpose of this committee is to provide and ensure mutual respect - regardless of race, gender, religion, sexual identity, political affiliation, age, disability, class, marital status, or community - thus promoting a culture of inclusion in the Colorado Elks Association; to provide a safe environment for learning, dialogue, and growth around inclusion to support living into our obligation, and to recognize that the commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, & belonging is essential to our success as an Elks community.
Chair: Professor (ret.) Art Terrazas (Greeley 809)
Vice-Chair: Elevinio "JR" Cruz (Leadville 236)
Women at Work podcast by Harvard Business Review
Yo, Is This Racist? podcast and blog by Andrew Ti & Tawny Newsome
The Strategic Advantage of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion podcast episode by Quinetta Roberson
Business Practices
The purpose of this committee is to provide timely and specific advice to Lodges that have concerns with officers, committees, or finances. A call or email to any chair or member-at-large will produce assistance from members who are knowledgeable in the area of concern.
Co-Chair: Mack Novosad (Pueblo 50)
Co-Chair: Patty Minson (Colorado Springs 309)
Community Image
The purpose of this committee is to promote the positive image and good deeds of the Colorado Elks Association in communities throughout the state. Trailers with CEA-branded products and informational brochures are available for Lodges to borrow for community events.
Chair: John Beach (Fort Morgan 1143)
Vice-Chair: Dana Priola (Westminster 2227)