Fall Quarterly 2022
Fall Quarterly 2022
Join us at the Doubletree Grand Junction, November 4-6, 2022, for the Colorado Elks Association's Fall Quarterly!
Registration info can be found by asking your Lodge Secretary.
We'll be joined by Texas Elks State Association President James Stansbury and wife Chris,
and Wyoming Elks State Association President Rex Tollman and his wife Julie.
Helping Combat Food Insecurity
To assist the Youth Activities Committee with their mission to assist in food insecurity, we'll be collecting non-perishable food items at the Spouse's breakfast on Sunday morning. The food will be distributed in the West and South Districts in November.
Thank you!
Having A Ghoulishly Good Time

Promote Your Lodge with a Mini Trunk-or-Treat!
Create an indoor "trunk" (4'x2'x3') to promote your Lodge's events, do a raffle, or just to be creative!
Contact Jeannette Rogers for more details.

Dress To Impress... Your Inner Child
Don't put away your Halloween costume yet!
Join us for a costume banquet Saturday night, followed by a DJ'd dance in the Hospitality Room!

Don't Leave Your Dance Card Home!
Earn 3 more stamps in the 2022 Great Dance Contest. Didn't attend State Convention?
I've got a dance card with your name on it!